Refund & Cancelation Policy

Online Classes
Please notify me of cancelations or changes to arranged online classes within 12hour period.
If you cancel within less than 12hours you will still be charged the full amount. 

In Person Classes
Please notify me of cancelations or changes to arranged classes within 6hour period.
If you are to cancel with less than 6hours you will still be charged the full amount.

One Off Session
A one off session is valid for 14 days from the date of purchase.

Five Class Pass
A five class pass is valid for 3 months from the date of purchase.

Ten Class Passes
A ten class passes must be used within 6 months of purchase, and there are no refunds.
If you will be going away in the 6-month period and you give us advance notice your pass can be extended for the period of your time away.

If you have plans to be away, it is suggested to pay casually for classes on a per attendance basis.

If you have been ill or injured, Yin classes may be helpful for you.

If you are unable to attend class, please let us know within the cancelation period. Your case will be considered individually and an extension may be offered. A doctor’s certificate may be required.

Refunds are considered on an individual basis, an extension may be offered rather than a full refund.


Please don’t hesitate to contact with any further questions.